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Main parameter usage


Main is what is left once the option and the commands have been extracted. Like with options, the main property is defined at the application level or for each command.


The main property is declared as an object with the following properties:

  • name (string)
    The name of the main property.
  • required (boolean || function)
    Whether or not the value must always be present.
  • description (string)
    The description of the main argument.

As an alternative, a "string" can also be provided which will be converted to an object with the name property set to the original string value. Thus, the following declarations are equivalent:

  main: 'input'  
// is equivalent to
  main: {
    name: 'input' 

The extracted value is an array.

If no main arguments is defined in the CLI commands, then the array is empty.

  main: 'input' 
  input: []

Using required as a function

When required is a function, the first argument is an object with the following properties:

  • config
    The configuration associated with the command or the full configuration is no command is used.
  • command The current command name, use config.command to acess the full command as an array.


Application level definition

  main: "leftover"

The above is the equivalent of declaring options as an array like:

  main: {
    name: "leftover"

Usage of the "main" parameter is now: myapp [leftover].

Command level definition

  commands: [{
    name: 'server',
    commands: [{
      name: 'start',
      main: 'leftover'

Usage of the "main" parameter is now: myapp server start [leftover].


Node.js Parameters is the tool for building CLI applications with Node.js. It is developed and supported by Adaltas.