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API method `help`

Format the configuration into a readable documentation string.

  • commands ([string] | string)
    The string or array containing the command name if any, optional.
  • options.extended (boolean)
    Print the child command descriptions, default is false.
  • options.indent (string)
    Indentation used with output help, default to 2 spaces.

All options are optional.

It returns the formatted help to be printed as a string.


Without any argument, the help method returns the application help without the specific documentation of each commands. With the command name, it returns the help of the requested command as well as the options of the application and any parent commands.

Calling help will always return a string, it does not detect if help was requested by the user for display. To achieve this behaviour, it is expected to be used conjointly with helping, see the the help usage documentation for additional information.


Considering a "server" application containing a "start" command and initialized with the following configuration:

import { shell } from "shell";

export default shell({
  name: "server",
  description: "Manage a web server",
  commands: {
    start: {
      description: "Start a web server",
      options: {
        host: { shortcut: "h", description: "Web server listen host" },
        port: {
          shortcut: "p",
          type: "integer",
          description: "Web server listen port",

To print the help of the overall application does not require any arguments. It behaves the same as calling the help method with an empty array.

process.stdout.write( app.help() )
process.stdout.write( app.help( [] ) )

Pass the name of the command as an array to print the help of any nested command. It behaves the same as defining the command as a string.

process.stdout.write( app.help( ['start'] ) );
process.stdout.write( app.help( 'start' ) );


Argument --help

The help option is registered by default:

import assert from "assert";
import { shell } from "shell";

assert.deepStrictEqual(shell({}).config().get().options, {
  help: {
    cascade: true,
    description: "Display help information",
    help: true,
    name: "help",
    shortcut: "h",
    type: "boolean",

The same apply to every commands:

import assert from "assert";
import { shell } from "shell";

    commands: { my_cmd: {} },
    help: {
      cascade: true,
      shortcut: "h",
      description: "Display help information",
      type: "boolean",
      help: true,
      name: "help",
      transient: true,

Command help <commands...>

Internally, an help command is registered if at least another command is defined:

import assert from "assert";
import { shell } from "shell";

    commands: { secret: {} },
    name: "help",
    description: "Display help information",
    main: {
      name: "name",
      description: "Help about a specific command",
    handler: "shell/routes/help",
    help: true,
    strict: false,
    shortcuts: {},
    command: ["help"],
    options: {},
    commands: {},


Node.js Parameters is the tool for building CLI applications with Node.js. It is developed and supported by Adaltas.